Magento :: Images Not Showing In Front End

It is a common issue in Magento. After uploading images from back end, the images are shown in back end, but are not displayed on the front end. To solve follow the below steps. Any one of them might solve the issue for you, or even you might need to apply all. Try your luck 🙂

1. In back end go to System -> Cache Management. Click all check boxes. Choose ‘Refresh’ option from ‘All Cache’ drop down. Click ‘Save Cache Settings’. Once the page reloads select ‘Disable’ from drop down and again press ‘Save Cache Settings’.

2. On the same page you will find a button ‘Clear’ beside ‘Images Cache’. Click it.

3. Go to Catalog -> Manage Products. Click the specific product. Go to ‘Images’ tab. Beside the image there will be 3 radio buttons (Base Image, Small Image, Thumbnail). See if the required radio is selected or not. Also check if Exclude is checked or not. If checked uncheck it and save product.

4. Upload another image. Assign all radio to that image. Save the product. Then reassign the required radio options to the actual image and save again.

And yes also clear your browser cache. I hope by now the image is showing in front end. If not just add a comment.


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  2. not working for me either. additionally tried to disable all caches, but still nothing.

    magento creates the proper directories like this


    but nothing is in there.

  3. @parivallal @Marcel – Are the images coming in the backend in product details section? You can also check if you have proper permission in the respective folders, which might stop the image from being uploaded.

      1. Hello Sir,
        No, images isn’t showing in Magento backend.
        actually sir i’m using magento-
        and i’m using hellowired theme, 2 images of theme also not appearing on front page

        Thank You
        Firoz Khan

        1. The problem might be because of folder permission. You can try giving 777 permission to media folder and all its sub directories and see if it does any help.

  4. Sir,
    I change permission of media folder but it didn’t work.
    actually my category image not coming also. while on my localhost everything is going well.

    Thank you

    Firoz Khan

    1. Hi Firoz,

      Great to see the images are coming now. What was the issue? Also the media folder of your Magento installation was giving 500 Internal Server Error. Now its OK though.

    2. Hi Firoz, i am have exactly the same problem with version 1.5 and using hellowired theme.

      Did you mange to solve it, if yes then please let me know.

      Thank You


  5. Hey Guys i worked it out very simple.

    Goto to your cache folder and rename it to _cache, then go and refresh all cache management and refresh all caches.

    It really is that simple.

    in-case i am not too clear just drop me a mail and i will try and explain in more details.

    Thanks to codeboss and Firoz

    1. im having exact same issue – magento version as well as the hellowired theme.
      I’ve tried all of the above but its not working. Also I can see the images, but if access the two images from any other computer, they cannot see it.

  6. Hello guys
    I’m trying to make category menu in left column and main menu also on the top while main menu is on the top if i make a change then my category menu show in top but in disorder. I didn’t completed my categories.

  7. Hello,

    I was having the same trouble with my images, but I have successfully been able to load the main image. Now my problem is that the thumbnail images for different views are not showing up on the front-end page. In the back end the thumbnails are there, however they are not appearing on the front end page. Any suggestions?

  8. Hi Sumit,

    This is my URL.

    I am not getting any frontend or backend images and I am getting 403 Forbidden error when I try to open the image manually by writing URL for image.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance.


  9. Hello,

    i uploaded the category image in bakend there it showing image but in frontend its not plz help me any one, my product images are showing fine in frontend

    1. Hi Sandhya,
      There are a few solutions in the comments sections too. You can try them. Also check if there are proper permission for Magento to create resized images if you are defining custom size for the images in the frontend template file.

  10. Hi

    I want to load the products in list which product have image?

    right now i am using one function
    like $products->addAttributeToSort(‘image’, ‘DESC’);
    and filter is $products->addAttributeToFilter(‘image’, array(‘neq’ => ‘no_selection’));

    Please help me

    thanks and regards

  11. Hi there,

    The first thing you need to check is if you uploaded the files via ftp THROUGH an AUTO type transfer. Not ASCII, not Binary mode. If you did then delete everything and start again uploading them in auto mode. (Filezilla > Transfer > transfer type > Auto)


  12. Go to media/catalog/product and rename cache folder to cache_ and create new folder with permission 777 and in backend refresh your magento app. Works for me.

  13. This is absolutely brillant!
    So basically, I have to edit my 25.000 products one by one to check if Exclude is checked or not. Magento, best script ever. Never managed to have all my pictures on the frontend. Always 60 or 70% are missing. Looking at Open Cart or Prestashop. I hate Magento image and cache system. It is just crap.

  14. Hi,

    I’m using Magento 1.7 and my problem is that the thumbnails in the category page won’t show (broken images, some with the image text shown), but if I click on the product, yet the image(s) on the product page are visible. I tried everything, how can I fix this?

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