To create a new page in Zen Cart follow the below steps.
We will be creating a new page called new_page and it will be accessible via browser using the following link
1. Go to includes\modules\pages\
Create a folder new_page (the folder name should be same as the name of the page)
Inside it create a page header_php.php . Keep it blank for the time being.
2. Go to includes\templates\{your template}\templates … Replace {your template} with the name of your template.
Create a page tpl_new_page_default.php (The naming should be like this – tpl_+{page name}+_default.php)
The above steps will create the new_page. It will show a blank body portion for the time being. Add your code in the above mentioned files to show whatever you want.
Little but Helpful One!
Zen Cart Templates
Not Working ……………….
thank you but i want to show all the page content as well as page title how can i do this plz reply me as soon as possible.
page created but i want to show the content as well as its page title to created page how can i show it. now it is a blank page
thank you
Works great, but how do I get the breadcrumbs to work?